Thursday, July 31, 2008
Oh is it hot......
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Who's that girl?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My favorite thing as a kid was buying a brand new box of crayons. I remember the rush of excitement I felt as I opened the box and examined the pointy tips of those crayons all perfectly sharp and aligned according to color. And the smell of the wax rivaled that of fresh baked chocolate cake any day. The older I got, the bigger the box got. Oh and joy of joys when I finally graduated to the box of 64 colors with a built-in crayon sharpener. To a child's eyes, those crayons represented endless possibilities.
Even as an adult, I love crayons. I am still partial to the reds and pinks although the names have changed. Wild strawberry. Pink Flamingo. Razzle Dazzle Rose. Cotton Candy. Jazzberry Jam.
Today we were leaving Target and I happened to see a box of 120 crayons! No way was I passing that up even though we have way more crayons in our art closet than you could ever possibly need. When I got home, I waited until all the kids were gone out of the room and I opened up that glorious box of crayons. I was mildly disappointed because rather than one giant box of 120 crayons there were three. But I pulled those boxes out and lined them up next to each other and opened the tops. I still felt the rush of joy I had in my youth. Those tips were still perfectly pointed and aligned. And the colors made me, well, happy. The price of joy - $5. Now, where did I put those coloring books?
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Fishing for fun
Here's David teaching Harrison the fine art of reeling in the line. He apparently learned that lesson well as the only thing he caught was a lot of air from the constant casting.
Here's Holden with his "Mom stop taking pictures" expression
Haley wasn't catching a whole lot, except for the tree next to the dock.
David caught something - Haley's hair.
Here are all the kids at the end of the day after lots of fishing and swimming (in the pool, not the pond).
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Now Why Didn't I think of that......
Anyhow, we went shopping and I came across the most ingenious product called the Switch Flops. The whole concept is that you buy one pair of base flip-flops (either flat or wedge) and just switch out the straps. The straps are held in place with Velcro and come in 3 sizes to correspond to your shoe size.

The straps come in dozens of styles and colors so you could easily find one to suit your taste. They are relatively easy to change out although at first I tried to get them lined up exactly and just about drove myself nuts (let's just say I have issues, okay?). Finally I realized that they were not going to be in perfect alignment and that is okay because once they are on your foot, you don't notice that.
So say one day you feel funky, then you may want to try the swirled Chloe strap. If you are feeling hip and daring, you might slip on the black and white O’Malley with the skull and cross bone button. Personally I like the orange and brown striped Maggie.
It's such a simple concept, it makes you say, "Now why didn't I think of that". Of course I did say that and while I was trying on a pair, two ladies came over and said the same thing.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Law of the Garbage Truck
Here's what she posted. I hope it hits home with you, like it did for me.
One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport . We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly.
So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of fear and disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and some times they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't let their garbage pile up on you and become an ugly, odorous weight on your life that you'll then spread to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.
Successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day! Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so…'Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.'
Make an excuse for them and let it go.
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!
By the way, I just have to say that wasn't a NY taxi driver. :)
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Summer is cruising on by
Swim team took up a large part of our first month. And while it was a big pain to have practice everyday and meets 2 nights a week, I do think it was a good experience for the kids. Haley still seems to be interested in swimming again next year. Last week she was at the pool with my parents and the pool manager told Haley he was watching her swim and she had a very nice stroke. He suggested that she might look into being a lifeguard when she gets a little older. That certainly had to make her feel good.
Every year I put together a mental list of things I would like to do with the children during the summer. And as in years past, the summer is getting away from us without having done half of those things.
This year the kids have had two long visits with my parents. They always do a lot of fun things when they go for a visit. It's nice that my parents are still able to take them and do fun things with them. I know it's something the kids will remember when they grow up. I still remember spending time with my grandmother when I was a child. Those memories can never be replaced.
So far this summer, we have gone on long bike rides, visited the library several times, gone to the waterpark, beach and pool, and visited the Aquarium. We have spent lazy days at home watching movies and reading books. We saw fireworks on the Island. We have had homemade popsicles and Key Lime pie. We have enjoyed corn on the cob, juicy watermelon and steaks on the grill.
I still want to take them downtown to the fountains and Battery Park, to Brookgreen Gardens, on a picture taking tour of our town and on a picnic in the Old Village park. I want to take them to visit a working farm to pick tomatoes and show them how to can them. I would like to make cards for the children at the Children's Hospital. I want to take them to spend a couple of days with my grandmother (their great-grandmother).
Time is slipping away so I need to get busy planning. Before I know it, we'll be packing bookbags gearing up for school. And that will be a sad day because it means that my children are getting older and closer to the day when they are no longer home for the summer.
Friday, July 11, 2008
When it rains it pours
David ran over to the pool around 5 and set up some chairs for us. At our pool if you don't come early and claim a spot, you are forced to sit in the back and all you can see are the other parents heads. Unfortunately shortly after he set up the chairs, it started raining again.
Thankfully the rain didn't last long so, at 6:00 we headed to the pool, loaded down with garbage bags for the chair seats, towels to sit on, dinner and snacks. We got there and it was unbelievably humid. I was wishing that I had brought my swimsuit. We sat down and ate our sandwiches and were chatting with some of the other parents when it started raining again.
My father who is the only one to think ahead, brought two umbrellas. He sat under his huge golf umbrella and the rest of us ran to stand under the shelter. David had suggested we go to the car but thinking that I could predict the weather, I decided that it was going to blow on over and we should just stand under the shelter. Not such a good idea.
Fifteen minutes later it was still raining and the mesh covering the shelter was saturated with water and began to drip. Heavily. At this point I opened the small umbrella my dad had loaned me and David and I huddle together under it. My mom and Harrison stood under his Diego umbrella. As the raining continued to drip down our backs, David looked at me and said "Either we need a bigger umbrella or we need to lose some weight". My mom and Harrison were having the same problem.
By this time, Haley and Holden, who were already wet from swimming practice laps, were cold and wanted to go home.
A friend of ours had his wife (who was at home, lucky her) check the weather and when she said there were more storms coming, we decided to call it quits, even if the coaches did not.
I sent David to get the car while I rounded up the chairs. My mom huddle with Harrison under the umbrella and my dad helped carry the chairs out toward the car. Holden decided to go after David. Unfortunately David did not know this and started driving as Holden was chasing the car beating on the side to get him to stop.
I tried using a garbage bag but at that point I was soaking wet so it didn't help. As we are getting ready to leave the pool, we had to wade though several inches of water to even get out to the car.
By the time we got home we were all wet, cold and ready to be indoors. My dad jokingly said he had come to see the kids swim not swim himself. I think we all felt the same way.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Birthday parties
So the other night I was talking to my mom on the phone about Harrison's birthday, which is coming up in August. I was telling her I thought he might like to have a pirate party with his friends from school. Since Harrison was sitting right next to me (and I thought listening to my conversation), I asked him what he wanted to do for his party (thinking he would go along with the whole pirate party/jump castle idea). He didn't hesitate for a moment when he said "I want to go to Disney World".
So perhaps I need to rethink the whole birthday party/big present idea. It seems to be getting a little out of control. By the time he's 12, he'll think he needs to go on a trip to Australia.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Friends of yours?
Well, the other day I got some pictures back from an online developer that I use. I swear by this developer. They have the best quality prints, the quickest service and they are very inexpensive. Since I found them, I do not use anyone else to develop my prints. They offer special promotions that are out of this world, and you can earn prints by referring friends (so be sure to use my name if you sign up).
Anyhow the other day I got some prints back and was flipping through them. I wait and print my pictures out when I am ready to scrapbook them so these were all from 2006 (yes, i know that's pitiful). They were of the normal stuff like:

The kids with Woody at Disney
Holden and Harrison at Thanksgiving

So mixed in with my photos was this photo of an unknown family. Coming across this unexpectedly was slightly funny. But then, Holden asked me what I was giggling about and I showed him the picture and asked were these friends of his and he fell over laughing. Which made it even funnier. So then he ran and asked Haley if these were friends of hers and he thought that was even funnier so he started laughing harder. And by the time we finished laughing, I had tears running down my cheeks.
So little does this family know that their nice picture, which never made it to their home, brought lots of enjoyment to my home.
But I am still wondering, are these friends of yours?