Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year once again
I had such big expectations for 2008. It was the year I turned 40 and I just knew it would be the year I made some big life changes. Fortunately I made it through the year, unfortunately not so many big life changes were made.
I wish that I could say that in the past year I...
lost enough weight to fit in those size 6 jeans
exercised every day
kept my house clean
read the Bible every day
had an endless supply of patience
submitted my pages to get published in a magazine
Instead, in the past year I...
rearranged my scrapbook room several times and it's still a mess
still haven't caught up on my kids scrapbook albums
stressed way to much about the little things
never really got into an exercise routine
haven't organized my master bedroom closet
still haven't hung up any pictures upstairs
However, the past year wasn't a total loss, because I did make some positive changes. In 2008, I...
discovered Facebook and reconnected with some old friends
completed a bible study at church
worked on building a stronger relationship with my husband
spent more one on one time with my kids
practiced small random acts of kindness
learned that I need me time and worked on making it
stopped saying yes every time someone asked me to volunteer
rediscovered my love of reading
In the next year, I am hoping to...
cook healthier meals
be more consistent at blogging
continue practicing small random acts of kindness
further develop my relationship with God
start exercising more (and maybe fit into those size 6 jeans)
laugh out loud more often
be more accepting of others
stop beating myself up for not being perfect
cuddle more with my kids
stop worrying about the unimportant small things
have a date night with my husband a couple of times a month
Happy New Year to you!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Under the tree

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Too young for a gun
My husbands argument is that it's a right of passage for all boys. He had a BB gun when he was a kid and he survived. No one lost an eye and no one was seriously injured. My argument is that I don't think a 9 year old needs a gun that shoots pellets. I don't have issues with my son playing with a gun, he has plenty of Nerf guns and play guns that don't shoot anything (or anyone). It's just that when I read the packaging on the Airsoft gun and see a warning that it isn't to be used by a person under the age of 18, I am pretty confident that it was put there for a reason.
For those of you not familiar with the Airsoft guns, they use little plastic pellets rather than metal BBs. This makes them safer than a normal BB gun but they can still put out an eye. The guns come in spring, compressed air and electric versions, but they all basically work the same way, which is to use compressed air to launch the pellets at an impressive velocity.
Airsoft guns also look like lethal firearms because they are exact replicas. The only notable difference between airsoft and lethal weapons, other than the blaze orange tip, is that airsoft guns fire small plastic BB’s instead of metal bullets.
One of the top selling online stores has this to say about safety and the airsoft guns.
First and foremost, protective gear should be used at all times. This includes, most importantly, eye and face protection. While airsoft shooting goggles or glasses (with shatter resistant lenses) are a must, a full protective face mask is highly recommended. Full face masks protect against facial damage to cheeks, teeth, and ears, as well as providing complete protection for the eyes. Along with protective face wear, the use of a thick sweater or jacket, a balaclava (a cloth head mask), gloves, a hat, hard-soled boots, and knee and elbow pads are also recommended. As a final safety measure, the covering of all exposed skin is also highly advised.
Does a 9 year old need a gun that might require him to wear a full protective face mask and cover all exposed skin?
Some of you might think I am overreacting or being an overprotective mom but this seriously causes me some concern. Does there come a point where we give in and compromise our child's safety to let him have something that "all the other kids" have?
The only positive that I can find in letting him have a gun is that it provides an opportunity to teach gun safety, which will be an important lesson for later in life. The cons as mentioned above are the safety issues.
We are at a standoff now. I am being the bad guy and standing my ground. On the other hand, I feel that my husband with enough pressure from my son, would cave. Until we can come to some common ground on this issue, I will continue to say no to the gun. I love my kids and it is my duty as their mother to protect them from things I find harmful. I wouldn't send them out to play in a busy street and I certainly wouldn't buy something that would put them in any danger.
Friday, December 19, 2008
I'm Dreamin of a White Christmas
In Charleston, we don't get much snow or cold weather (I know there are those that would argue with me about the cold but I am talking cold as in freezing). The average high for December is 61 with the average low being 39. Today's high was supposed to be 77 degrees (but at noon my thermometer read slightly higher at 79). Someone forgot to tell Mother Nature that this is December. You are not supposed to need your car air conditioner in December.
Looking ahead, the forecast for Christmas Day is 65 degrees so I guess the only snow I will see this year is in the neighbor's giant blowup snow globe (and that's a whole other blog entry). It will even be to warm to rent one of those snow blower machines (don't laugh people really do that here).
I am not saying that I want to move to somewhere like this.

Oh but to wake up on Christmas morning and have my yard look like this would be such a wonderful sight (of course my house isn't that nice but you get the picture, right?).

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
"Fun-due" at the Woods

Friday, December 12, 2008
Dear Santa
I've been a good mom all year. I've fed, cleaned and cuddled my children demand, visited the doctor's office more than my doctor and sold sixty-two cases of candy bars to raise money to plant a shade tree on the school playground. I was hoping you could spread my list out over several Christmases, since I had to write this letter with my son's red crayon, on the back of a receipt in the laundry room between cycles, and who knows when I'll find any more free time in the next 18 years.
Here are my Christmas wishes:
I'd like a pair of legs that don't ache (in any color, except purple,which I already have) and arms that don't hurt or flap in the breeze, but are strong enough to pull my screaming child out of the candy aisle in the grocery store. I'd also like a waist, since I lost mine somewhere in the seventh month of my last pregnancy. If you're hauling big ticket items this year I'd like fingerprint resistant windows and a radio that only plays adult music, a television that doesn't broadcast any programs containing talking animals, and a refrigerator with a secret compartment behind the crisper where I can hide to talk on the phone.
On the practical side, I could use a talking doll that says, "Yes, Mommy" to boost my parental confidence, along with two kids who don't fight and three pairs of jeans that will zip all the way up without the use of power tools. I could also use a recording of Tibetan monks chanting "Don't eat in the living room" and "Take your hands off your brother," because my voice seems to be just out of my children's hearing range and can only be heard by the dog. If it's too late to find any of these products, I'd settle for enough time to brush my teeth and comb my hair in the same morning, or the luxury of eating food warmer than room temperature without it being served in a Styrofoam container.
If you don't mind, I could also use a few Christmas miracles to brighten the holiday season. Would it be too much trouble to declare ketchup a vegetable? It will clear my conscience immensely. It would be helpful if you could coerce my children to help around the house without demanding payment as if they were the bosses of an organized crime family.
Well, Santa, the buzzer on the dryer is calling and my son saw my feet under the laundry room door. I think he wants his crayon back. Have a safe trip and remember to leave your wet boots by the door and come in and dry off so you don't catch cold. Help yourself to cookies on the table but don't eat too many or leave crumbs on the carpet.
Yours Always,
A Grateful Mom
P.S. One more can cancel all my requests if you can keep my children young enough to believe in Santa.
(I am not sure who wrote this but it could have been written by any mom)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
My Angel
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A Celebration
Here is Holden being asked a few questions by

After being baptized
Friday, December 5, 2008
More Christmas fun

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
On the First Day of Christmas
On Day 1, the activity was for the kids to write their letter to Santa. Since Harrison is still young, he dictated and I wrote. He didn't want any opening to his letter, he just got straight to the point. Here are some of his wishes:
- a robot like Holden's
- a bike with skeletons and pegs on the wheels
- Bakugans
- skateboard
- remote control car
He wanted much more so I suggested that we tell Santa he would like surprises and would be happy with whatever he was brought. Daddy said that Santa would be able to tell that was a mom suggestion as Harrison would never actually come out and say something like that.
Holden wished Santa a good Christmas and asked for:
- a Nintendo DS and some games for it
- Bakugans
- Lego's
- Wii games and extra Wii remote
Our little attorney also tried to negotiate with Santa by saying if he didn't get a Nintendo, he'd like a new bike. Holden also added a P.S. to his letter asking Santa to give him a call.
Haley said that she had been good this year and would like:
- a new Ipod
- curling iron
- Nintendo DS games
- Wii games
She also asked for world peace and no offshore drilling but said she understood if Santa couldn't produce those things. And being the kind child she is, she said to tell the elves, reindeer and Mrs. Claus hello.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Just a little fraction
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thankful Day 6 and 7

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thankful Day 5

Monday, November 24, 2008
Thankful Day 4

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thankful Day 3

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thankful Day 2
Friday, November 21, 2008
Day One Thankful
High Seas Sullivan Woods
Boykin Spaniel Extraordinaire
Thursday, November 20, 2008
In the meantime, I got this email sometime ago and saved it because it is a reminder that although things might not always be wonderful, we always have something to be thankful for.
Be thankful for the clothes that fit a little too snug, because it means you have enough to eat.
Be thankful for the mess you clean up after a party, because it means you have been surrounded by friends.
Be thankful for the taxes you pay, because it means you're employed.
Be thankful that your lawn needs mowing and your windows need fixing, because it means you have a home.
Be thankful for your heating bill, because it means you are warm.
Be thankful for the laundry, because it means you have clothes to wear.
Be thankful for the space you find at the far end of the parking lot, because it means you can walk.
Be thankful for the lady who sings off-key behind you in church, because it means you can hear.
Be thankful when people complain about the government, because it means we have freedom of speech.
Be thankful for the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours, because it means you're alive.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thought for the day
Life is how we get there."
Friday, November 14, 2008
Permanent Ink
That reminds me of this story I use to read when I was a child about this little girl who had a magic pencil. Whatever she drew actually came to life. I can remember wishing that I had one of those magic pencils. Oh, the things I would have made for myself.
Now wouldn't it be great if there really were magic pencils and markers. If I wanted a new pair of shoes, I would whip out my handy pencil, sketch away and tadah, new shoes for me. No more scouring the stores in search of the perfect shoe, with just the right height heel and color. Or if I had that marker, I could make a list of chores for the kids to do and guess what, it would be done.
If only it were that easy.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
a knock-off
I haven't been out much these past few days so tonight after I dropped Haley off at swim team, Harrison and I ran over to the store. When we were getting ready to leave he picked up one of those plug-in video games that was by the checkout and asked me how much it was. I told him it was to much money. He said "How much is that?" I explained that it was $16.99. He replied "Oh my gosh, what a knock-off!" I took me a second to realize he meant "rip-off".
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Murphy's Law
Like for instance the fact that I got a brand new computer this past weekend and the screen started getting lines all over it when it came out of sleep mode. So I contact Dell who manufactured the computer and was told I had to contact Best Buy where I bought the computer. So I contact Best Buy and they told me to bring it in. So I hauled the whole shebang (hard drive and 24" flat screen monitor) back to Best Buy to find out the video card was bad (or so they said).
After standing there for almost 2 hours with 3 children running amok in the store, they finally found me a replacement which was being held for some other guy who ironically was having the same EXACT problem with his. I reluctantly took it thinking surely this one had to be different. When I got home, the stinkin' door to the DVD drive was broke. So I packed up the whole thing and drove halfway across town to the other Best Buy to pick up a new one.
When I was standing in line this guy walks up behind me and asks why I am returning the computer and I explained the situation to him. Turns out he was the one who was having the same problem with his computer and I had taken the one they were holding for replacement. I told him it was a good thing he hadn't gotten that one as the DVD door was broken. I got the new one set up and guess what? The screen started staying blank when coming out of sleep mode. I am banging my head on the wall here.
To top all that off, we got a letter yesterday from these jerks we bought our house from and they want us to pay back $400 because the closing attorney miscalculated the taxes (in 2007) and gave us more credit than we should have gotten (can you say greedy?).
And then last night my back started hurting and hasn't gotten better today. Might be a kidney stone or maybe a strained muscle from hauling the computer across town twice. Who knows but it hurts and Ibuprofen isn't helping.
Just way too much for me this week. I could use a Xanax but somehow the things got lost when we were moving. See Murphys' Law.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Second post for today
The winner is...
Downstairs while eating breakfast, he started whining about not wanting to go to school. When he realized that we weren't buying it, he turned it up a notch and started full fledged crying. After a couple of minutes of crying, he choked a little. Seeing that I acknowledged this (I got up to get him a drink) he started trying to make himself gag and cough.
It was truly a performance worthy of an Oscar. It's just too bad I didn't have the video camera nearby.
His performance didn't get him out of school although it did make us late for the bus. Thankfully they caught it at the next stop and by then the tears were gone.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween
Haley spent the night at her best friend's house but we went over after trick or treating and got her picture.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Spiders
I printed out the sentiment with each child's name, punched it out and adhere to the back. It was an awful lot of work given that the kids all ripped them open to get to the candy within second of getting them. But, they were cute while they lasted.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Grim Reaper
The kids settled on carving the grim reaper on the front and the scythe he carries on the back. Pumpkin carving has gotten much more intricate since I was a kid. Now they have all these new fangled carving knives and etching tools to make the job easier. We have several of these so that everyone has their own.
This is the first year that we have let Holden actually carve on his own for fear of him sawing off his finger. I must say he did a fine job for his first time. No miscuts and no blood. That's what I term a success.
Here are a few shots of our fun afternoon:
And the final product.........
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Democrat or Republican
My husband has just about learned that I will not debate him on politics. I prefer to take the stance, "you have your opinion I have mine" (and we all know who's right). He is a newswatcher and to make matters worse, he listens to talk radio in his car. Talk radio whose host is obviously Republican. So when something new comes up, he is the first one to call me and say "Did you hear....". I have learned to "listen" without being really engaged in the conversation.
My dad and I try to totally avoid any type of political conversation. Of course he trys to get his point across by passing along emails. I have several friends who do the same. The nice thing about that is that I can choose to a)read them and then delete them or b) delete them and never read them. I won't tell you which I do more often.
Next week will be the end of the cat fight. I don't know about you but I am ready for it to end. The issues have long ago stopped being talked about. All the candidates are concerned about is one upping the other. Every other commercial is a political ad jammed packed with nasty accusations about the opposing candidate. And forget the political rallies. Does anyone remember what their mother's taught them when they were children? If you don't have anything nice to say.....
The end is near. One more week. I think I'll make it provided I don't listen to the radio, keep the television off any news channel, and delete all emails referencing political views.
Monday, October 27, 2008
A good laugh for Monday
Here's one of my favorites.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Christmas is coming
No, I haven't lost my mind. I do realize there are still 63 days until Christmas. But, if you walk into any store, you will see that the Christmas decorations are already on the shelves nudging out the Halloween decorations (which by the way were already on the shelves in late summer). If you are looking for a life size light-up Grim Reaper to decorate your yard for Halloween, you'll likely have to look behind the boxes holding the 6' Spruce with shimmering lights already attached.
I am no Grinch but somehow seeing Christmas trees and decorations for three months prior takes away from the joyful anticipation of the whole Christmas experience. And it isn't just the stores that start early. By the time Christmas rolls around, I am so tired of hearing Jingle Bells that the very sound of those sleigh bells send me running for the radio dial. And after seeing A Christmas Story forty-three times, I can quote Ralphie line by line.
I love Christmas. I have started my Christmas shopping and my cards are already done. But, that has more to do with the fact that I hate the pressure of last minute preparations. I like to enjoy the month leading up to Christmas by making homemade gifts, baking cookies and putting out the decorations. What I don't love is the overcommercialization of Christmas.
What happened to the days when the Christmas decorations came out right around Thanksgiving and the radio started playing Christmas songs after December 1? Can't we just experience one holiday before we start moving on to the next? How long before we see the trees and lights go up before Labor Day?
I know Bah Humbug.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pumpkin Picking
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Yes, it's Fall
Friday, October 10, 2008
So tired of the heat
For most of my adult life I lived in NC where the summer heat was sizzling but that first refreshing day of Fall made you almost forget the scorching heat. Now, I am living 4 hours South and that makes a big difference in the changing of the seasons.
I love Fall. You know the cool, crisp mornings when the leaves have started to change. I want to walk outdoors and take in deep breathes of cool air. I want to feel my skin tingle from the crisp air. I want to turn off my air conditioning and throw open the windows and feel a cool breeze blowing. But that isn't happening here with the temperature reaching into the mid to upper 80's by late afternoon and the humidity registering at 81%. The only cool breeze I feel is when standing in front of the air conditioning vent.
I need to escape this sticky, strangling heat and humidity. I want Fall. It's a must to preserve my sanity. If I had a super power it would be the one where I could transport myself kind of like in the movie, Jumper. Then I'd just wish myself into someplace that is in the midst of Fall and wa-lah, life would be good.
I'm convinced heaven will be Fall-like weather forever. And summer? Well, you know where you'll have to go to experience that season.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Apples, apples and more apples
Armed with my handy crockpot, I whip out an applesauce recipe from A Year of Crockpotting. I tripled her original recipe because I wanted to have extra to freeze. After 5 hours, I had a pot full of applesauce. The verdict: I am a little disappointed because it's brown (compliments of the cinnamon) but thankfully it tastes yummy. I had enough to freeze and enough to make tonight's dinner Applesauce Chicken (also from A Year of Crockpotting). The applesauce chicken was pretty good although the chicken was a bit dry. I think it was a little overcooked. I started cooking it this morning when in fact, putting it on after lunch would have been sufficient.
I also whipped up some Apple Bread for us and to share with our neighbor who babysat our dog so we could go this weekend. This bread was moist inside with a crunchy crust. And too die for!
Tomorrow I am vowing no apples in any recipes. I'll just wait until Thursday then maybe we'll have Apple Oatmeal Crumble or Caramel-Apple Muffins or Cinnamon Rice with Apples or Apple Cole Slaw.......
Monday, October 6, 2008
Later that day we went to the Chimney Rock area. We let the kids play on the rocks in the mountain stream. They had such fun hopping back and forth across the rocks and it didn't cost a dime. Luckily no one fell into the water because it was quite cold already.
Sunday we went to visit David's grandmother who turns 100 on October 10th. She has Alzheimer's but otherwise is in very good health. She loves to sing and tap your hand. Every now and again you can understand a word or two of what she says.
Happy 100th Grandma!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Our future storyteller
In the car yesterday he announced that a little boy in his class had run into a pole during recess. I asked if the little boy was okay and Harrison said that no, in fact he had to go to the nurse because his mouth was busted open inside and it was bleeding (so far kind of believable right?).
According to Harrison it was so bad, they had to call the boy's mother. She came to school and stayed with him for the rest of the afternoon. Turns out that the little boy was hurt so badly that he won't be able to speak for a few weeks. The solution was to get this Spanish lady (who ironically, according to Harrison, teaches Spanish) to teach the little boy sign language. Wondering aloud, I ask how she knew sign language if she taught Spanish, to which Harrison promptly replied "She learned it in case someone got hurt and couldn't talk." What an imagination.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Lemon-Glazed Zucchini Bread
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Really wicked

After I had a full night to think about it, I decided that if indeed he wanted to be a witch, then I would find out what a male witch looked like. I did what any mother would do and went straight to Google.
There was lots of information at my fingertips regarding the subject of male witches, more than I cared to know. But what really surprised me was the fact that I am apparently not the only one with this "boy witch" issue. In my Google search, I came up with a lot of links to others who had asked the same questions "How do I make a witch costume for my son?", "My son insists that he wants to be a witch for Halloween, what do I do?". So I know I don't walk alone.
Oddly enough I never did come across a costume for a "boy wicked witch" other than the Harry Potter type wizards which was not what Harrison had in mind. So I thought that perhaps the best thing to do was to ask Harrison exactly what he had in mind for his costume.
Mom: "Harrison, what exactly were you thinking you would wear as a wicked witch on Halloween?"
Harrison: "A black cape, a creepy, black pointy hat and a broom."
Mom: "Okay"
Harrison: "Oh and a green painted face."
Mom: (Thinking to herself this sounds eerily familiar)
Harrison: "Uh, mom?"
Mom: "Yes son?"
Harrison: "I changed my mind, I think I want to be Frankenstein."
Mom: (breathing a huge sigh of relief) "Frankenstein is good."
Monday, September 22, 2008
Another post for today
I do not know this couple, but through the voice of Stephanie's sister, Courtney, have been following their recovery. Courtney's blog, c jane , is an amazingly eloquent and inspirational dedication to life. Her words have touched me and made me think about how precious every moment is.
Please visit this blog and join with me in offering your thoughts and prayers to this family. If you feel so compelled, there is a place to donate. Their medical bills are, as you can imagine, tremendous and any amount helps.
Kids Say the Funniest Things
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Not so New Testament
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The things kids think of.....
I had a small can of tester paint left over from when I briefly lost my mind and decided I might want to paint the dining room red again (if you have never tried painting a wall red, don't, you'll thank me for it). I let Holden use this to decorate his cross.
I came outside to find Holden lying in the driveway. I thought maybe he was resting or hurt or some combination of the two but in actuality he was painting the sides of the cross.
When I asked him what he planned to do with his cross he said he wasn't sure. Right now it is decorating our screened porch. But really, it wasn't the end product that mattered anyway, it was the whole creating process that was important. He saw some wood and decided it should be a cross. Who knows what project will be next. I am just glad he enjoys being creative.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Holden
Here is Holden with his great-grandmother.
Holden with his grandparents
And our family picture, which would have been decent had Harrison not made the silly gesture as he does in EVERY picture that we take. The other picture had him with his eyes bugged out and a silly grin on his face. There is one in every crowd.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Grandmother's birthday