I got back yesterday from a four day weekend trip with my sorority sisters. Every year in October, we rent a house on the Isle of Palms for four days. It seemed like a real vacation when I was living in Charlotte but now it feels sort of odd to be staying five miles from my house. It was a lot of fun though.
There were 24 of us all crammed into a huge house second row from the
beach. Oddly enough I didn't even set foot on the beach. I picked up two of my closest friends from college (pictured here with me- Leah is on the left and Tamara is in the middle) at the airport on Thursday and we headed over to Vickerey's on Shem Creek to meet some of the other girls for lunch. When we got there I asked the (very young) hostess if there were a group of young ladies there. When she looked at me kind of funny, I had to clarify that I meant young like me not her. We spent the afternoon hanging out and catching up all of the past year's happenings. Friday a few of us went and got pedicures and then spent the entire day shopping. Saturday, one of the girls planned we had a game like The Amazing Race. We drew names from hats and split into teams. We had five challenges and the loser of each challenge got eliminated. I am not in the best shape of my life (to say the least) but I ran 2 miles (yes, I slowed down some) to reach the Observation deck first in Challenge number 2. And I also helped to propel a paddle boat around the lake to come in first in that challenge as well. I am proud to say that my group WON every challenge and the final competition! I was afraid that I was going to be really sore on Sunday but I felt pretty good.

David and the kids went camping out this weekend at the Boy Scout Camp on Wadamalaw Island. They had a great time and want to go again (maybe I'll be busy that weekend?). My idea of roughing it is staying at a Motel 6. I need running water and toilets that flush.
This morning Haley and I both woke up feeling kind of bad so she stayed home from school. I had to do laundry and clean regardless. By this afternoon we were both feeling a bit better. Tonight, we had to run a few errands while David was at a meeting so we stopped by Chick-Fil-A for dinner. Harrison got out of the car and ran over to the pond. He started yelling that he could see the "ducklets". Wonder if they are any relation to "chicklets"?
OH what fun to keep in contact!
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