Friday, December 28, 2007
Merry Christmas and more
We were fortunate enough this year to have my mom and dad and my grandmother join us for Christmas. Usually on Christmas Eve, we go to church and then come home and have lots of appetizers and then open presents. This year we did something a little different. We had a nice sit down dinner and then let the kids open two presents. Our intention was for them to open one present but it turned into a battle so we relented and let them open an extra one. Instead of going to the Christmas Eve service on Christmas Eve, we actually went on Sunday since our church had the same service for both days. Then we all gathered around the Christmas tree and my dad read the Christmas story out of the Bible. Haley then read Twas the Night Before Christmas.
The kids all slept together in Haley's room. When we put them to bed Christmas Eve we told them they were not to come and wake us up before 7 a.m. Of course we should have been more specific and told them not to wake anyone up because they went in and woke my dad up at 6. Anyhow, after checking to make sure Santa actually brought them some stuff, we let them go downstairs.
The big hit of the day was the Wii that Santa left. The kids (and their father) have enjoyed it tremendously. The kids also got a lot of other nice things such as a camera, Lego's, remote control cars, etc.
Harrison got a disposable camera in his stocking and he was taking pictures with it indiscriminately. My dad looked at the camera and told Harrison he needed to save some pictures for later because he already had taken 26 pictures. Harrison's reply was to take another picture and say "27", then he took another and said "28". At least we know he can count.
We had a large breakfast and a late Christmas dinner. My sister-in-law and her son and grandkids joined us for dinner. They stayed for a while and then my brother-in-law, his wife and kids came over and played some on the Wii. At one point, there were 15 of us in my house.
I feel very fortunate that my family is close enough to join us for this special holiday. All in all it was a very nice Christmas but I think that next year, I will try to do less and enjoy it more. As my mother said, we should all savor the moments because it will never be exactly this way again. This was the only Christmas that my kids would be 5, 8 and 11. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the quest for the perfect Christmas that we forget it isn't about all the stuff, it's about spending time with each other and celebrating the greatest gift ever, the gift of God's love and forgiveness expressed in the birth of his son, Jesus Christ.
May all your Christmas' be merry and bright........................
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Visit with Ol' Saint Nick

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
This past weekend we went to my Grandmother's house to celebrate our family Christmas. We exchanged presents with my Aunt and Uncle and my grandmother on Saturday. Haley got a lot of art supplies and an easel, Holden got some camping stuff, The Dangerous Book for Boys, and some Gameboy games and Harrison got a cowboy outfit and a Power Rangers Megazord.

Here are the links for the recipes I used in case you are interested. The only thing I did differently was substitute a 1/4 tsp. ground cloves for part of the ginger. You will also want to flour your surface generously before rolling out the dough as it is pretty sticky. And they rise a lot so be sure to leave plenty of room between them.
Gingerbread People
Royal Icing
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Christmas card nightmare
So then I designed my own Christmas card in Photoshop in a 4 x 8 design because that is what size Ritz prints their Christmas cards. Well come to find out, Ritz only does the standard sizes (4x6, 5x7, etc.). So I had to redo the whole thing in a 5 x 7 format. Now this would not be a big task for someone very proficient in Photoshop. But for me, a beginner at best, it was a bit challenging. But, I did learn quite a bit about the program while doing this card.

Silent Night
Last week we had to get Harrison's costume together for his role as a shepard. His teacher hasn't sent home any lines to memorize so we have no clue what he is going to say.
Last night, as David was putting him to bed, he asked him if he was sure he knew his lines to which Harrison replied, "I can't tell you, it's a surprise." David said "Okay, I was just checking." Then Harrison looks over at him and as serious as he can be says, "But I don't know them anyway."
Let's hope he was just kidding.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Who is that dude?
Last night the kids were all upstairs playing while David and I were downstairs in the kitchen. Harrison came downstairs and walked through the kitchen without saying a word. When I looked up, I laughed out loud at his outfit. I wonder where he got his fashion sense?
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Don't put this on your list of things to buy
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
What's next?
I removed all strings from jackets so that it cold not strangle them. And all my blinds had the cords tied up so that they couldn't get near them and hang themselves.
As they got older, I began to relax a little. Until now.
Earlier this year, I discovered that the Mag Stick Magnetic toy had been recalled. We had a set of these and normally I wouldn't worry because my children are past the mouthing stage. But I have caught both of my boys at one time or another with some small toy in their mouths. It terrifies me that not only could they choke on one of these magnet balls but, if more than one magnet is swallowed, it could cause intestinal perforation.
Then the whole lead scare started. In June, the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued the single biggest recall of toys containing lead paint. The culprit- Thomas and Friends wooden railway toys. In August, Fisher Price recalled 83 types of toys including including the popular Big Bird, Elmo, Dora and Diego characters -- because their paint contains excessive amounts of lead. And then in September, Mattel, the parent company of Fisher Price, recalled 675,000 Barbie accessory toys for the same reason.
And it looks like there is no end to the toys that are being recalled. Aqua Dots has now been discovered to be covered with a chemical that metabolizes the same as the date rape drug.
As if it wasn't already hard enough to find toys with some educational value to them, now as a parent we are forced to consider if the toys we buy are secretly a ticking time bomb slowly poisoning our children.
As I was Christmas shopping this year, I had to really think about the toys that I was sticking in my cart. Normally, if I saw a toy in the dollar section at Target, I would have thrown it in the cart without a second thought. This year though, I was reading labels to see if it contained those taboo words "Made in China". It's a scary thing that nothing seems to be safe anymore.
Now that the lead issue has been bradcast by the media and people have become more aware, youwould think that the numbers of dangerous products would be diminishing from store shelves. But a Michigan based environmental group has found otherwise. They test 1,200 toys and found that 17 percent had lead levels that exceed the federal recall standard of 600 parts per million.
If you are like me, you will want to check out the list of toys that are not made in China published by Toys R' Us. While you still have to be careful about what you buy, this list can provide you with a starting point. Another good website that lists toys by brand or type along with a listing of any chemicals found in them is
If you want to see if any toys you already own have been recalled, go to They have a list of recent recalls as well as links to the government website that has toy recalls as far back as 1974. Another great reference site is
If you feel so compelled, check out to sign a petition to stop the manufacturing and distribution of toxic children's products.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Christmas Pictures?
Monday, December 3, 2007
The pressure's killing me...........
But here lies the BIG problem. We started a huge redecorating project in our family room that has taken way longer than anticipated. So not only do I not have my tree up, my furniture isn't even in the right places and the walls are only half painted. Well actually the tree is up. It's in a bucket of water on our back porch. But it's not in the house and decorated.
So why don't I stop giving myself this deadline? Or why don't I move it back a week or so? I don't know. Maybe it's the type A personality that makes me want to be in control of it all. Whatever it is, it is driving me mad. So maybe this year as my New Year's resolution I will make a commitment to myself to let it go next Christmas. No deadlines, no pressure. Just have fun.
Let's face it though, the chances of that happening are about as good as us having a white Christmas. So maybe instead I will just start my shopping January 1. That way I stand a better chance of having it all done by December 1.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Incredible Hulk

My first thought was how ironic that he was wearing shredded Hulk underwear. I mean isn't that what happens when David Banner becomes enraged and turns into the Hulk? Could this be a sign of things to come? Are those fits of outrage something more than a 5 year old's tantrums? Could he be the next Incredible Hulk??????

Monday, November 26, 2007
It won't hurt.............
Holden has a deathly fear of shots. One mention of going to the doctor invokes a paralyzing fear in him. He starts chanting "no shots, no shots" until I assure him that we are going only for a check-up or sick appointment.
Last year when Holden had an ear infection that would not clear up, he had to get a shot of Rocifin (actually 2 shots, one in each leg). I tried to explain to him that if he would relax and take a deep breath, the shot would not hurt nearly as bad. Of course telling him that just sent him into a fit. No amount of reasoning would calm him down. Two nurses came in to give him the shot and when they couldn't control him, they sent me out of the room and had two other nurses come in to hold him down. I don't know which was worse - the humiliation I felt that my child was making such a scene (which by the way the whole entire office could hear) or the sound of his pain. A half hour later we were on our way but the memory of that lingers in his mind.
So today as we were sitting in the room waiting on our doctor, Holden reminded me that he didn't want to get a shot (like I really needed reminding). Harrison looked at him and said "Holden, Mom said if you don't tinsel up, it won't hurt. And I didn't tinsel up and she was right." When the doctor came in we were both laughing. Holden did end up having bronchitis. Thankfully no shots were involved.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I am so thankful
Even though I am a bit late, I thought that I would make a brief list of some things I am thankful for.
In addition to my family and health, I am thankful for (in no particular order):
- My friends (both old and new)
- Freedom of Worship
- Freedom of Speech
- The soldiers who fight for our freedom and their families who sacrifice so that they can
- Teachers who get way less praise and appreciation than they deserve
- My husband who works hard so that I can stay at home with our children
- My dad who stood in line for 2 hours and was able to get my kids the one present they really wanted for Christmas
- The smiles and laughter of my children, the feel of their arms as they hug me tight, the trust I see in their eyes and the peacefulness on their faces as they sleep.
- My mom who never hesitates to offer her help
- The roof over my head
- Clean water and food on my plate
- My Dansko clogs
- Warm coffee on a cold day
- My birthmother who made the unselfish decision to give me the opportunity for a better life than what she could have given me
- A beautiful sunset
- The crashing of the waves on the shoreline
- My favorite sweats
- My pillows
- The first flowers of spring
- Rainbows and the promise they stand for
- Days when absolutely everything goes right
- For the rain after a long dry spell
- Libraries
- Technology
- Hope
- Forgiveness
- The future
And on that note, I would like to leave you with these thoughts. I can't take credit for writing it but I wholeheartedly agree with it.
Be thankful that you don't already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don't know something,for it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations,because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge,because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you're tired and weary, because it means you've made a difference.
It's easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Christmas Wishes
So David and I sat the children down and explained that this year we were going to allow them to ask Santa for 4 things. We gave them the option of combining a wish for one large thing. After a few whispering sessions (and some good old politicking on Haley's part) they each decided that it would be good to combine one wish each and ask for a Nintendo Wii (which of course cannot be found, but that's another story).
With that said, each child now had three wishes left. So in order to make sure those wishes got fulfilled, I told them that they should come up with a list to give to Santa. Holden, being the sweet, kind hearted child that he is, came down to breakfast the other morning and told me that he wanted to trade one of his wishes in and ask that Santa give a toy to a homeless child. It's moments like that when you know that you have done pretty good job at raising your child. It made me so proud that he would be so selfless. Knowing that he only had four wishes and he had already used one, he was willing to give one of his away to some child who needed a gift more than he did.
On the other hand, Harrison didn't quite comprehend the whole trading wishes thing. I asked him what he would like for Christmas and he mumbled something about socks. I thought that was kind of odd that he would be asking for socks, even though he really needs some so I asked if he wanted socks for Christmas. He replied, "No I want to trade my socks for some toys." I guess he'd rather have bare feet and some new toys.
The cutest little Indian

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
How Many Shopping Days Until Christmas?
So I decided that I should try and get one step closer by at least putting down on paper the people I shop for along with the gifts I want to buy for them. Only problem is that once I got the list of people down on paper, I got stuck with the whole gift list part. Once I started thinking about their needs, wants, and personalities I just went into a catatonic state and realized that this year was going to be no different than the last five when I sweated every purchase as if I were making the decision of a lifetime.
I mean if I had unlimited funds, then gift buying wouldn't be a problem. Did you say you wanted a flat screen television, no problem. Or that cashmere sweater would look good on Aunt Bitsy, no problem. But realistically, I am on a budget. A very small one. And while my list of recipients isn't all that long, it's big enough to send one thrifty, budget conscience shopper (me) into cardiac arrest.
I thought Christmas was suppose to be one of those wonderful fun-filled enjoyable times of year. I mean it's all about the thought, right? Bull. I have put lots of thought into some of my gifts only to be told by my husband or child that what I bought was weird or not something anyone int heir right mind would want.
So this year, I am vowing to make it different. I am going to buy nice, affordable gifts. Gifts that everyone will love. I have scoured the internet and found a few interesting sites. And if these don't help me, then maybe they will help you. My new favorite site for all things handmade and homemade. You will find everything from art to clothing here. Check out the belts at Applina's shop. They have fabulous gifts for those who love to pamper themselves. Check out the sweetest soft robe for only $39.50. They have some very cute t-shirts, mugs and bags. One of my favorite t-shirts says "Who are these kids and why are they calling me mom?" For the chefs in your family. They have good prices and an excellent selection. Plus a flat rate shipping of $4.99 making the deals even sweeter. On my list this year is the Kitchenaid Mini Chopper and OXO mandoline slicer. Check out the photo books at this website. They are reasonably priced and most sizes are available in softcover and hardcover. They also can publish your blog entries in a book. Check out the cute monogrammed items available at this site. I particularly like the monogrammed insulated lunch bag. This site claims to have "unique gifts to entertain your inner child". Check out the stocking stuffers for those on your list with a great sense of humor. This site has it all. Well at least almost all. But I like their selection of books. One of the big hits this year is the Dangerous Book for Boys and there is even one for the girls, The Daring Book for Girls (although I don't know that this is as big a hit). I love these cute polka dot tea towels and matching oven mitts. They also have some nice jewelry and handbags. This is the greatest concept in my book. Socks that actually never matched to begin with. A youngster (or someone young at heart) would love these. They even have change purses and pouches to match. Check out this website for a lot of unique websites for home and family.
I hope that you will find one of these websites helpful. Now I need to sharpen my pencil and start crossing those names off my list.
Oh and if you do happen to be one of those people with unlimited funds, can you add me to your Christmas list?Christmas, already?
I need some of that face cream

We can all dream, right?
Monday, November 12, 2007
And God said, "It was good"
"On the first day God created that ship, the Mayflower. And on the second day he created the land. Next came all of the animals (only he says it aminals)."
Of course at this point I am curious as to when he thought people might have been created, so I asked. Harrison said matter of factly "God created people on the same day Jesus was born."
I suspect we have some more Bible reading to do. Perhaps next time I shouldn't skip over so many parts.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
My first classes

Saturday, November 3, 2007
Guess whose birthday?

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Trick or Treat

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Homework Wars
You would think that since I am not the one doing the homework it wouldn't matter. WRONG. Here's how my afternoon goes.
ME: Harrison, lets do your homework before Holden gets home from school.
HARRISON: No, I don't want to.
ME: Well, you will be all done and can play later.
HARRISON: No, I am not doing it.
ME: Well, alright but you won't learn anything if you don't practice.
And that is how it is day in a day out with Harrison.
That however, is mild in comparison to what happens when Holden is asked to do his homework. He gets home from school at 3 :00 so we get him a snack and go to get Haley at 3:35. When we get home from picking her up, this is what happens about half the time (twice this week already).
ME: Holden, let's do your homework.
HOLDEN: (GRUNTING) No, I don't want to.
ME: Let's see, would you like to do your math or spelling first?
HOLDEN: (Getting ever more agitated) No, No, Nothing. I don't want to do anything.
ME: Well, that isn't an option.
HOLDEN: (STOMPING HIS FEET AND GRUNTING) I hate homework. I can't do it. I don't want to do it.
ME: I am not listening to this (which obviously I am)
HOLDEN: (FLAILING ON THE FLOOR AND GRUNTING) I can't do it. It's too hard. I hate homework.
ME: (Sometimes said in a calm voice, other times in a not so calm voice)Okay, fine. You win, don't do it.
Eventually he will calm down and come do his homework. By then, he has usually wasted 30 minutes pitching a fit. I try to explain that if he had just sat down and done his homework to begin with he would be done. That just doesn't seem to register on him. And it is very frustrating for me. Some days I want to strangle him because I have a million other things to do and it isn't fair that I sit there for 30 minutes asking him to do something he knows he will eventually have to do. Most days though, my heart just aches for him because deep down I know that more often than not, the real reason he pitches these fits is because he has a hard time writing and spelling.
I have spent many hours trying to figure out how to change his attitude about homework. I keep thinking that somehow, I will find the thing that helps avoid these fits. I realize that I cannot control how he acts. If he wants to pitch a fit and waste time, then it's his time to waste. If he chooses not to do his homework, well then he can explain that to his teacher.
That is all easier said than done. I want to make it better. To understand and share in his pain. I want him to finally "get it". I keep hoping and praying that things will come easier to him. I keep searching for that one thing that will make it click or that one reason that it hasn't. Because after all I am his mom and that's just what moms do. They sit beside their kids and hold their hands and give them love and support even when they really feel like tearing out their hair or running away from home (at least temporarily).
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tonight for example was CiCi's Pizza night for Harrison's school. I actually dislike CiCi's because the pizza to me is just one step above frozen. But, the kids seem to like it and so does their dad. So I figured it might be a losing battle when Harrison came home with that large CiCi's sticker stuck to his shirt. He started early trying to wear me down. First he said all of his friends were going to be there. Then he tried the "I love pizza so much" angle. When nothing seemed to be working, he got his brother in on the begging. I finally had enough of their ploy and put my foot down and said that we couldn't go because I was on a diet to which Harrison responded "So don't eat. You can live without dinner but you can't live without water." I guess he figured I could sit and watch him eat with my glass of water.
And I might have won that battle except for it ended up being four against one. David came home from work and was sitting on the sofa half dozing when all of a sudden his eyes pop open and he announces that he thought pizza would be good. Who could win when the odds were stacked against them? So tonight we went to CiCi's. I guess I will have a salad with that glass of water.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Turning 40
So the wheels started turning and I thought it would be cool to make a list of 40 things I wanted to do before I turned 40. But then it dawned on me that in just over two months, I would be 40. UGH! So I changed my list to 40 things I want to do the year I turn 40. Here they are:
- Wear a size 6 again
- Run a 5K
- Start my own business
- Learn to hem a pair of pants (I am ashmed to admit I never have)
- Organize my photos on the computer to include dates and tags so that I can search for them rather than going through picture after picture to find one of say Holden and Harrison at the park.
- Get my scrapbook pages current
- Put all of my completed scrapbook pages in an album
- Get published in a scrapbook magazine
- Learn to do an intermediate Sudoku puzzle without cheating
- Read the newspaper or watch the news at least four times a week (I have no clue what's going on these days)
- Buy clothes that fit my body (flab and all) rather than hide it
- Do more arts and crafts projects with my kids
- Finish my home improvement projects
- Wake up early before the kids and do my bible study
- Label and organize everything in my attic
- Renew an old friendship
- Volunteer somewhere (other than school which I already do)
- Read the entire Harry Potter Series from beginning to end
- Get a tattoo (okay so I won't actually do that but it still sounds cool)
- Go to the World's Longest Yard Sale
- Bike the rail line in West Virginia
- Learn to paint with watercolors
- Send birthday cards to my friends and relatives
- Learn to invest money
- Get a new diamond for my 15th anniversary (hint, hint David)
- Take a photography class
- Smile more
- Laugh more
- Stress less
- Have date nights with my hubby
- Take a trip in the Fall to Vermont for my 15th anniversary and stay in a B&B
- Wear jewelry (I forget to put it on)
- Read the The Purpose Driven Life
- Go to church regularly (even when what I really want to do is sleep in)
- Spend more time with my family
- Make dessert twice a week
- Have date nights with my children (one at a time)
- Have more get togethers with friends
- Be more organized
- Plan weekly meals so we eat out less
Pumpkin Patch

What is the black stuff in your hair?
So back to tonight. Holden runs into the room with Harrison trailing not far behind. When I look up much to my horror I see this huge mass of black clumped in Harrison's hair. My first thought is gum. But then gum isn't black. Finally it dawns on me that he has mashed slime in his hair. Slime that came in a barrel and is supposed to look like oil. The slime that was his sister's prize for selling some stuff for school. Black slime in blond hair. Not good.
While trying not to completely lose it, I asked why he had decided to put it in his hair. His first response was that Holden "threw it" in his hair. Apparently he decided by looking at my face that telling the truth might be a better alternative. So it came out that he wanted to have a mohawk. Why he chose to put slime in his hair to obtain one is far beyond adult comprehension. Apparently in the mind of a child, when you add something slimy to your hair it can do amazing things.
Unfortunately Harrison did not think about how this mohawk making slime was going to come out of his hair. So as he was sitting in the bathtub, tears streaming down his face, while I combed the slime out of his hair, he turned to me and said "I don't think this was such a good idea". You think?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Yesterday David and I celebrated our 14th year Anniversary. It seems like only yesterday, I was busily planning a wedding. Then almost overnight, the wedding was here and gone. In the past 14 years we have:
- moved 6 times
- Had three children
- Owned 5 pets (7 if you count the hermit crabs)
- Taken vacations to big cities, small towns and several in between
- Celebrated 10 and 20 year high school reunions
- Owned 6 cars
- Started 5 jobs between the two of us
- been broke, been not so broke (never wealthy, still hoping)
- changed hairstyles (thankfully I lost the BIG hair from the 80's)
- Gained weight, lost weight, then gained it back
- Cried a little, laughed alot
Our 14 years together have been good ones. There were days when things were rocky but there have been many more that were not. During the last 14 years, we have learned:
- that a successful marriage requires you to fall in love with each other many times
- to celebrate our differences
- be strong in our faith for each other
- that a happy home is one filled with love
- that kind words heal wounds
- No matter what, we are in it together
I am looking forward to traveling together down the road of life, celebrating each new day with the one I love.
In closing, here are some Thoughts on Marriage:
The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they're too old to do it.
-- Ann Bancroft
Any husband who says. "My wife and I are completely equal partners" is talking about either a law firm or a hand of bridge.
-- Bill Cosby
A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong
-- Milton Berle
I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury.
-- George Burns
Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.
-- Phyllis Diller
The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.
-- Henny Youngman
People are always asking couples whose marriages have endured at least a quarter of a century for their secret for success. Actually, it is no secret at all. I am a forgiving woman. Long ago, I forgave my husband for not being Paul Newman.
-- Erma Bombeck
When women are depressed, they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.
-- Elaine Boosler
Monday, October 15, 2007
Home Again

Monday, October 8, 2007

You will come across things that are absurd like the doggy poop bag? They come in a variety of colors. You cold have one to match every outfit you own! Who would have thought there would be a need for that when a grocery bag would do the trick?

Oh and while you are walking your dog toting that doggy poop bag, your fine canine friend would look sporty in his bandanna. If blue isn't your dog's favorite color, then you are in luck because you can choose from a variety of colors as well.

Or maybe you like monkey's and have always wished you had a "cheeky" monkey to pin to your bag, lapel, anything else that you can think of? They've got that too. (Isn't he cute? Kind of reminds me of my own little monkey Harrison).

Or if monkey's aren't your thing and you are more into fruit, then maybe you'd like some cherries. Crocheted cherries that is. They come in a variety of colors. And sell for only $2.50 for 5. What a bargain. Just don't try to eat them.
But maybe you don't like all that handcrafted stuff.

But seriously, you should check out this website. There are some really cool things on there. It is now at the top of my favorites list. Watch out wallet.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
The Nut Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree
I will be just about to doze off and something will pop into my head that I just need to ask David about. So I will shake him (lightly of course) and ask him that ever so important question like "Did you remember to turn off the sprinklers because you know its been raining" or "What do you think about painting the family room red".
I have thought about keeping a notebook beside my bed so that I can write down all those things that run through my mind, but somehow that just seems like more work than it's worth. So I just take the easy way and ask while it's on my mind. Which I am sure sometimes really annoys David. Especially when he is already asleep.
Tonight, we put the kids to bed and were sitting in the bonus room watching some television when we heard this little voice from the other end of the house calling "mom". The boys had been in bed for about 45 minutes so I figured it was probably Harrison wanting something to drink because he was coughing. David went to check on him and came back shaking his head. I asked what was wrong and he said that Harrison just wanted to make sure someone had picked up the sandwich he left outside in the garage.
See, the nut doesn't fall far from the tree.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Don't you just hate it when your kids are right?
When we opened the door to let Sullivan into the garage, we were greeted by a soaking wet dog who was very happy to see us. Now, I am not pointing fingers but being that it wasn't my fault the dog got wet, I went on inside to get the kids ready for bed and left the dirty work to David. So instead of

When we bought our house in Charleston, our intention was to finish the third floor for a scrapbook room and office for David. Since we are already into October, we have decided to go ahead and finish doing all of our other projects first and start on the addition next spring. This means that I am having to rework some of our current space. The bonus room was serving as the scrapbook room/office/playroom. We have a nice room off of the kitchen that I had set-up for the kids to use as a study/arts and crafts room. I have now kicked them out and am redoing it to use as a temporary scrapbook room.
I always have such grand ideas and thankfully I have a husband who can and will help me with my projects. We hung the wall cabinets last weekend. I also bought two birch doors which he cut down for the desktops. The desk is L-shaped and will have three stations. I can use them now for my computer, my sewing machine and a stamp/scrapbook space. When I am finished with the space it will provide a work area for each of my children.
We ran into a small glitch when the table legs I wanted to use (repurposed from a table I had) were too short in relation to the base cabinet. So we ordered some new table legs from Osborne Wood Products in Georgia on Monday afternoon. And I got them delivered today. Talk about awesome customer service! And the legs are exactly what I wanted. Since the room is right off of the kitchen, my vision was to have the room look like it had built in furniture rather than a hodgepodge of desks and cabinets. David is building shelves with beadboard paneling behind it to go in between the wall shelves. And I am going to hang some free hanging shelves above the side desk. The desktop will be stained and the cabinets will be painted willow white and then I will apply a glaze to give it that aged look. I hope that we get this project finished soon because right now the entire contents of the study room are in my family room. I can't bring them up to the playroom until I move out the scrapbook stuff. Hopefully we can get it done this weekend in between popcorn sales for Cub Scouts and a birthday party for my niece and nephew.
On another note, I went and talked to the owner of our local scrapbook store about teaching some classes. I figured that would be a good way to make a little extra cash, get a discount on my scrapbook stuff and meet some people. Anyhow, I had to come up with some ideas for November and December classes. I presented those to her today and she loved my ideas. So over the next week I have to make the actual projects from the sketches I came up with so she will have something to display in her store. This is really exciting for me and I am looking forward to teaching others.
So soon I will have a scrapbook space of my own so that I can work on some new projects. Even thought the room is small and it will be a tight squeeze for all my stuff, I am looking forward to having it downstairs near the hub of family activity. Maybe I can even sneak in a layout or two between homework and dinner.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Walk on the Bridge