I was at the school today and overheard a teacher remark (rather cheerfully) that they only had 23 more days of school. I got a panicky feeling in the pit of my stomach. I guess I knew it was coming but YIKES only 23 days?
I know the kids will be happy when school is out. I can remember the feeling of those first days of summer. It seemed that the days stretched before me with endless possibilities. I could sleep late, hang out with my friends all day, swim in the pool, ride my bike or just lay around and read.
As a mom, the thought of summer vacation brings mixed emotions. Yes, I am glad that we can sleep late and spend more time together. I am also glad that I have a break from homework and packing bookbags, lunches and snacks every night. I like not having a set schedule.
So why do I dread summer? It's because I know my house will stay a mess no matter how many times I fuss about keeping stuff picked up. I also know that by the second week, the kids will be bored if no one is home to play with (even though they have each other). And somewhere around late-June it will be so hot outside, that even the kids will want to play indoors (along with five friends). I also know that I will no longer have any "me" time since they will be staying up later. And perhaps the biggest thing is that they will start bickering with each other over every little thing because they will be spending a lot of time together.
Every year I go through this. And every year I tell myself I am going to plan things for us to do so that we aren't always at home and they won't be bored and my house will stay clean. And every year it sneaks up on me. But this year, I am determined to have a list by the end of school. It's a must to preserve my sanity.
So here's a start:
1. Do puzzles
2. Go to the matinee
3. play board games
4. go on a picture scavenger hunt
5. ride bikes
6. make homemade ice cream
7. go to the Farmer's market
8. cook together
9. go to the Nature Center
10. visit a farm
11. go to Bee City
12. play tourist downtown
13. visit the museum
14. play in the fountain downtown
15. go to the beach
16. go on a picnic
17. make a craft together
18. go to the library
19. read books together
20. star gaze on the beach
21. go on a picnic
22. play mini golf
23. play in the sprinkler
24. wash the car together
25. have a water gun fight
I think that's a pretty good start. I am feeling much better about the summer already. Now I just have to some up with a way to let the kids decide what to do without fighting with each other.