Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Lemon-Glazed Zucchini Bread
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Really wicked

After I had a full night to think about it, I decided that if indeed he wanted to be a witch, then I would find out what a male witch looked like. I did what any mother would do and went straight to Google.
There was lots of information at my fingertips regarding the subject of male witches, more than I cared to know. But what really surprised me was the fact that I am apparently not the only one with this "boy witch" issue. In my Google search, I came up with a lot of links to others who had asked the same questions "How do I make a witch costume for my son?", "My son insists that he wants to be a witch for Halloween, what do I do?". So I know I don't walk alone.
Oddly enough I never did come across a costume for a "boy wicked witch" other than the Harry Potter type wizards which was not what Harrison had in mind. So I thought that perhaps the best thing to do was to ask Harrison exactly what he had in mind for his costume.
Mom: "Harrison, what exactly were you thinking you would wear as a wicked witch on Halloween?"
Harrison: "A black cape, a creepy, black pointy hat and a broom."
Mom: "Okay"
Harrison: "Oh and a green painted face."
Mom: (Thinking to herself this sounds eerily familiar)
Harrison: "Uh, mom?"
Mom: "Yes son?"
Harrison: "I changed my mind, I think I want to be Frankenstein."
Mom: (breathing a huge sigh of relief) "Frankenstein is good."
Monday, September 22, 2008
Another post for today
I do not know this couple, but through the voice of Stephanie's sister, Courtney, have been following their recovery. Courtney's blog, c jane , is an amazingly eloquent and inspirational dedication to life. Her words have touched me and made me think about how precious every moment is.
Please visit this blog and join with me in offering your thoughts and prayers to this family. If you feel so compelled, there is a place to donate. Their medical bills are, as you can imagine, tremendous and any amount helps.
Kids Say the Funniest Things
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Not so New Testament
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The things kids think of.....
I had a small can of tester paint left over from when I briefly lost my mind and decided I might want to paint the dining room red again (if you have never tried painting a wall red, don't, you'll thank me for it). I let Holden use this to decorate his cross.
I came outside to find Holden lying in the driveway. I thought maybe he was resting or hurt or some combination of the two but in actuality he was painting the sides of the cross.
When I asked him what he planned to do with his cross he said he wasn't sure. Right now it is decorating our screened porch. But really, it wasn't the end product that mattered anyway, it was the whole creating process that was important. He saw some wood and decided it should be a cross. Who knows what project will be next. I am just glad he enjoys being creative.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Holden
Here is Holden with his great-grandmother.
Holden with his grandparents
And our family picture, which would have been decent had Harrison not made the silly gesture as he does in EVERY picture that we take. The other picture had him with his eyes bugged out and a silly grin on his face. There is one in every crowd.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Grandmother's birthday

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Would I lie to you?
Now do you think that an adorable face like this could possibly lie to his mother? Well, the answer is yes he could.
Today as I was perusing the aisles of Wal-mart in search of some elusive size D batteries or even an el cheapo flashlight (we are under hurricane alert here), my phone rang. Not recognizing the number, I was a bit hesitant to answer, but I did only to hear Harrison's teacher on the other end. Of course her first statement was that Harrison was fine, which was a relief. But I knew she wasn't calling just to say hello.
She started explaining that Harrison and some other boys were at their table and she thought that Harrison probably had just gotten caught up in what the other boys were doing. As she was saying this, I started thinking, "Okay, he's just had an accident. No problem I sent a change of clothes in his bookbag for that very reason." But, that wasn't what she was saying at all. Turns out Harrison and the other boys at his table decided to stab their pencil boxes with pencils repeatedly until they cracked.
She said she was surprised because Harrison is usually so sweet and they hadn't seen that side of him. She thought he just got caught up in what the other boys were doing. As punishment, he missed 5 minutes of recess. She also asked for $.50 to replace the pencil box.
So when Harrison got off the bus today we talked about his day and I gave him a number of opportunities to confess. Finally when I pulled out his folder and showed him the yellow dot that indicates poor behavior, he confessed. When I asked him why he would do something like that, he just shrugged his shoulders and said "It was fun". So now he's being honest.
As punishment, Harrison is having to pay for the pencil box and write his teacher a note apologizing for his poor behavior.
Before school started we joked that we would get a call from the school that first week. Well, it wasn't the first week, it was the second. Maybe I should forewarn the teacher that Harrison has a streak of wild child a mile wide. But really, I think she might figure that out herself. And why label the child so early on.