Aseta is from the West African province of Burkina Faso. Her family farms for a living. She has two sisters Ramounato and Awa. Holden will be filling another box for Aseta and her family. This is an awesome opportunity for him to learn about children from other countries and to see how fortunate he is to have such nice things.
Mother's Day was very nice. My children and husband bought me some wonderful cards and gave me a gift certificate to the local scrapbook store. The card that the children gave to me was a fill in the blank card. I thought I would share some of the cute things that they said.
It will be fun to look back when the kids are older and laugh about their cute comments. I hope everyone had as nice a Mother's Day as I did.
It was report card day today. Haley made all A's and one B (in math). Holden did well too (no letter grades yet) and continues to improve in his reading. We are very proud of both of them.
I managed to get a layout done tonight even though there has been a special two hour Gray's Anatomy. I am TIVO'ing it just in case I missed anything. These pictures are from a trip to Fort Moultrie to fly kites back in 2005 (I'm a little behind wouldn't you say). The journaling says" My big boy and my little boy. They are so different yet somehow they manage to put all of it aside and are the best of friends. Sometimes they fight, but they don't stay angry for long. Seeing their relationship grow is one of my greatest joys and one of their greatest blessings-even if they don't know it yet."