Today was a successful day. All of my kids went to school and not one of them came home sick! I was able to get in a workout, do a bit of creative work and run a few errands while Harrison was in school.
Haley finished her last girl scout meeting for the year tonight. They have the awards ceremony coming up and then the girls will all bridge up to Juniors. It's hard to believe that my little girl will be in junior high school next year. I can't be that old, can I?
I found the long lost stamp set today and was able to finish the accordion tag cards for my swap. Would anyone care to guess why I couldn't find that stamp set?
Creative work is messy! Yes, this self professed neat freak does have her messy moments. Seriously though I think I need a bigger space to spread out (David if you are reading this - HINT HINT).
This was my first accordion tag card but I think it turned out really well. Here is the finished product. 

Thought for today - "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." Scott Adams